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The 6 Chapters That Will Change Your Life

If You Want To Become A Software Developer

See how you can experience a bit of the life of a software developer and even learn new useful skills you'll be using in everywhere by attending a 100% free introduction course (no credit card required) that will change your life.

Get started now.


Why Start a Software Developer Career?

So you are thinking to pursue a new career in the IT industry as a software developer.

Good choice! I can see why you'd want that:

  1. flexible hours.

  2. possibility to work remotely from anywhere (and this trend is stronger and stronger).

  3. career growth opportunities.

  4. business trips to exotic places.

  5. it is known that IT employees are spoilt  by their employers with loads of benefits in various areas such as: health and all sort of events (gyms, pools, libraries, concerts etc.).

  6. great salaries.


Hopefully, you have other motivations except the salary behind it, otherwise you won't be successful. You can see why soon enough.

Furthermore, the demand for (good) programmers is on the all time high. It is expected that between 2020-2030, the request will increase by 22%. So why not use this demand to your advantage?

Common Fears And Pain Points

In the same time, I know that getting started in this field is intimidating and you must invest some time and energy into it if you want to succeed. Your effort is mandatory, so don't be fooled by anyone who claims that you can make it without putting in the effort. It doesn't work like that, and you should be careful with those who claim these things as it's most probably a scam.


Anyway, coming back, regardless of whether you have some technical background or none, you will encounter many challenges.

We are talking about things which can make you doubt yourself and the chosen direction to become a programmer. Here are some of the most common thoughts I think everybody experienced at some time:

  • I don't have any technical background, I can't do this.

  • I don't know which programming language should I start first with.

  • I heard many programming specific terms such as: OOP, classes, functions, methods, services, databases, cloud, virtualization, scalability, security, operating systems, <add here any other buzzwords you heard> which made me feel overwhelmed.

  • I heard many stories that if you don't have any experience, you don't stand a chance as the technical interviews are ruthless.

  • To succeed, you need at least an internship which is not available for everybody, especially for people without a technical background.

  • I hear about cases where there was a wonder-course which promised to transform you in a genius programmer over night, with no efforts, which turned out to be a hoax and finalized with the participants having lost their money.

  • I went through many tutorials, but yet I still feel the same as when I started.

  • I used to do some programming in college, but I forgot most of it/everything.

  • I can update some code here and there, but I don't really know how to create things from scratch because I don't really understand how things work.

  • Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is hard.

  • I know how to program as I followed a tutorial online, but in real life, the problems I encounter are different and I keep getting blocked.

  • ... and so on, the list goes on.

I'm sure that if you are considering a job in the field, you had at least some of the above mentioned pain-points. If you didn't, then most likely you are just starting out and you will at some point (soon) :).

I have also had some of these thoughts, but I was lucky enough to have managed to overcome them without quitting. I also realized that things are not as complicated as I'd imagined, if you really, really understand them. You just need to give yourself some time to learn and grow. Little by little, I managed to advance with programming from a hobby level to professional level. It wasn't easy and it took some time to get here and I am still learning new things.

Since 2005 (view full bio), since I wrote my first line of code, I gained both knowledge and frustrations. I've seen other people struggle with these frustrations. Some quit, some managed to overcome them while some still struggle with them. But things can be easier if you start learning the right concepts at the right time.


Another thing I observed during the technical interviews I hosted is that candidates aiming for entry level positions usually have issues with the basic concepts. They are capable of solving a more complex task, but they don't understand how it works or why. And it's really a pity, because you can't build solid knowledge on a shaky foundation. This tells me that all the knowledge they have gathered is superficial and in case they encounter a small change, they will have issues with resolving the task.


It doesn't really matter whether you are just starting up (e.g. student) or you want to reset your career, you will go through at least some of the struggles I mentioned above. But, you still made a good choice and arrived in an even greater place. Why?

Because these are exactly the pain points I address in this course (view my bio). Get started now.

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Basic Programming Course

Given that most people who want to try to learn programming, usually have no realistic idea of what to expect from the job and the course itself, I've split the course in two parts:

  1. The fist part (Intro to Programming), consists of the first 6 chapters (which are 100% free and you can start learning right now, check out the Getting Started section below) were designed for the people who want to see what programming is all about. It will explain to you the expectations from a software developer and will teach you some critical, fundamental ways of thinking you will use for the rest of your life. After completing these first 6 chapters, you'll be able to go deeper if you still wish to do it. In the same time you will get familiar my simplified, logical way of teaching. I will further explain Part One further.

  2. The second part (the rest of the Basic Programming course), consists of the next 30 chapters were designed for people who went through the first 6 chapters and are still determined to continue their journey of building a solid foundation of software development skills required to pass any technical interview for an entry level job. You can find more details about it here.

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Intro to Programming (Part One)

We will next focus on the first part of the course in which you will learn:

  • the expectations from the life of a software developer (I am sure you are not aware of the whole picture) so you know what will be expected from you at your new job in the IT industry.

  • about the expectations you should have from yourself if you wish to continue with the course afterwards.

  • about several ways of learning better and easier.

  • to use some popular tools which will make your life easier. These tools can be applied to anything, not just programming, so you will leave with something useful either way.

  • fundamental concepts like what is programming, a programming language, an algorithm, how does a computer program run, programming process etc.

  • how to better think by applying decomposition and how to solve problems via exercises.

  • about the common pitfalls you should avoid (such as analysis paralysis) and how to overcome them.

  • how to choose the best solution for a problem when there are many alternatives.

  • how to design a flow for an algorithm visually to solve a problem which will help make the programming process a lot easier and logical.

  • how to use the tool for drawing flowcharts, how to create, load, edit etc.

  • how to write the algorithm you have created using pseudocode and how to do it to follow the flowchart you previously created. This pseudocode is the first step towards writing code.

  • apply pseudocode to solve various problems.

  • how to get started with using Visual Studio, a program which is used for developing software.

  • start to write some code based on your pseudocode and watch it run.

  • to compile your program, how to look for errors and try to solve them, all these while applying all the knowledge you gathered on actual problems.

All these activities will of course bring you many benefits such as:

  • learning new, actual skills you will always be using for programming.

  • even if you are no longer interested in programming afterwards (as this is also a possibility), the tools and everything you learned can be applied in everyday life.

  • it creates the minimal foundation to build further knowledge on. These are the usual things which are missing from beginner programmers as I've noticed during the interviews.

  • it helps you to better understand the concepts due to the logical way of presenting the information and how it is structured.

  • you will learn faster as all the chapters are inter-linked and all follow the same logical, incremental approach.

  • it helps you grow professionally as you understand how things work at a deeper level.

  • it helps you to understand that coding is not the same as programming.

  • you get to test your knowledge with the quizzes after each chapter which are basically interview questions, so you get started right away with training for the interview.

  • and more.

Get started now.

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Course Structure

  1. The course is structured in 6 chapters, each targeting a specific topic.

  2. The whole course is in English (medium English skills are required, which is a prerequisite for programming as well).

  3. Each chapter is split in several short videos (1-10 min) each with a clear description to make navigation easy. The videos are hosted on the Teachable platform, an account is required to access the content.

  4. After each chapter, there is a quiz to test your knowledge from that specific chapter. The questions are interview questions so you can start right away to prepare for your technical interview.

  5. Each chapter contains a homework for you to exercise the knowledge you learned.

  6. The recommended pace is two chapters per week and please do your homework.

  7. After finishing the 6 introduction chapters and you are still determined to continue, check the details of the Basic Programming course on how to continue.


Please note that the group sessions, homework check and other interactions from the mentor are available in the Basic Programming course. You can find more details here.

Get started now.


The full curricula of the Basic Programming course is the following:

  • Introduction

    • What is programming

    • What is a program

    • What do you need to write a program

    • Programming process

    • Decide what you want to do

    • Flow diagrams

    • Pseudo code

    • Choose IDE

    • Visual Studio

    • Compiler

    • Machine code, IL

    • Build the program

    • Errors and warnings

    • Run the program

    • How it works

  • Source control

    • Git

      • Overview

      • Github

      • Git init

      • Git branch

      • Git checkout

      • Git status

      • Git commit

      • Git push

      • Git pull

  • Getting started with basic programming

    • Main function / entry point

    • Variables intro (defining, naming, storing)

    • Booleans

    • Numbers

    • Operators

    • See results

    • Characters

    • Strings

    • Arrays

    • Constants

    • Comments

    • Ask user for input

    • Conditionals

    • Loops

    • In-memory processing

    • Files

    • Data structures

      • Lists

      • KeyValuePair & Dictionary

      • Queue

      • Stack

    • Randomize

    • Conversions

    • Debugging

    • Reading documentation

    • Googling

    • Single vs parallel vs asynchronous

  • Getting started with OOP

    • What is OOP

    • Why use it (Advantages)

    • Principles

      • Encapsulation

      • Inheritance

      • Abstraction

      • Polymorphism

    • Classes

    • Objects

    • Constructors

    • Methods

    • Properties

    • Interfaces

    • Abstract classes

    • Streams

    • Error handling

    • Exceptions

  • Unit testing

    • What is a test

    • Happy flow/alternative flow/exception

    • Why use it/benefits

    • Framework

    • How to use it

    • TestClass

    • TestMethod

    • TestInitialize

    • TestCleanup

    • Assert

    • Samples

    • TDD (+ refactoring)

    • Mocks

      • Creation

      • Setup

      • Usage

      • Verification

  • Configurations

    • Xml

    • App.config

  • Soft skills

  • Estimates

The topics in bold are covered by the Intro to Programming course ( the first part containing the first 6 chapters).

The topics in regular font (not bold) and the rest are covered by the Basic Programming Course (second part) (37 chapters in total).

I encourage you to validate this curricula to any technical person who works in the field and they will tell you that it provides a solid foundation as a beginner.

Get started now.


What Do You Need To Start The Course

  • a PC/laptop with Windows operating system.

  • a decent internet connection.

  • a Teachable account, you can create one here.

  • time and determination to learn.

For your convenience, the videos can be accessed via the Teachable platform from any device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, smart tv). So you can learn even on the go.

For the practice part, you'll need your PC/laptop though.

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I know this sounds too good to be true, but the Intro to Programming course is 100% free.

Almost 4 hours of videos worth of valuable content to get you started with the basics. No credit card required, no nothing. Just register and start learning now.


Most similar courses would charge you for this. For example, I went to udemy and performed a search for intro to programming and filtered the results for beginners with a video length of 3-6 hours. Most of them are being charged from 10-100 EUR.

I am giving it for free. Why? I'll tell you all about it in the first chapter.

So what are you waiting for. Get started for free now!

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Bonus Content

You will also get additional content, also 100% free to help you learn better and faster. Namely:

  1. Complementary information attached in text form (e.g. descriptions, further explanations, book recommendations etc.) to some of the videos.

  2. Additional files which can be downloaded to help you (e.g. source code used in the videos) to some chapters.

  3. All chapters include the presentation which was used in the video in PDF form so that you can easily navigate through it and find the information fast.

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After you complete this first part, I know the course would have an impact on your life. Why?

Well because it will push you in one of the two directions:

  1. You better understand what programming is and you realize it is for you and you'd like to continue to learn. It doesn't really matter if you decide to continue with the Basic Programming course or decide to learn from other sources, I'll be happy to have helped you make the decision which will change your life.

  2. You better understand what programming is and you realize it's not for you (because this can also happen) and in this case you will have all the information to make an informed decision and focus on other things. I'll be happy to have helped you make the decision so that you'll have no regrets regarding not going this way.


Bottom line: either way, this course will help you! And it makes no sense not to go through it if you want to see what programming is all about.


I am 1000% percent sure this course will be of value to you. Assuming you are a beginner with little or no experience and you go thorough all 6 chapters at the suggested pace, doing everything I recommend, I know you will learn at least some new, useful things from this course. And if this doesn't happen, drop me a line, let me know how to make it better for you and I'll buy you a beverage!


It's more than risk free, you have absolutely nothing to lose, only to gain!

Getting Started

Please find below the eligibility conditions for the Intro to Programming Course:

  1. You are an adult (at least 18 years old).

  2. You have completely read, understand and fully agree to the Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy of the Course (DevCoach), blog Privacy PolicyTerms of Use & Privacy Policy of the learning platform (Teachable).

  3. Access the course using the Start Now button below and you will be redirected to the Teachable page.

  4. On the Teachable page, scroll down and click Enroll now. A Teachable account is required. You can create one for free or use an existing one.

Got questions? Check out the Frequent Asked Questions section.

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What Other People Are Saying

So far we didn't have any participants to stop after the first part, so the below feedback we got is from the Basic Programming Online, On-Demand with Live Interactions course.

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Livia M

First of all, I think I managed to remove a complex I had for a long time, namely that programming is for geniuses and I am too dumb to be able to understand it. I really believed that I will never get to learn and understand what programming is. To really understand how it works and what actually happens.I used to see programmers like some supernatural beings which were born with an extra brain :). I am super happy that I understood that programming is not rocket science and that everything can be learned with patience and lots of work and without frustrations. Secondly, I am now more motivitated to be more consistent and disciplined.


Dragos M

I managed to build a solid foundation, way over what I previously had and most importantly, I learned how to think and approach new problems.


Andreea V

I learned many things and surprisingly well. The information stuck and after the course my motivation to learn more remained. Furthermore, it convinced me that you don't need an extraordinary skill to make it in this field, but the motivation towards learning new things and applying them.

Initially, the curricula seemed huge and impossible to go through all of it. However, the course went through all of it in a logical manner and now I know that there is no topic from the list (i.e. curricula) which remained unknown to me. The amount of information was high, but so is the gained and understood knowledge.

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